Selling a Car to Aurora Scrap Yard – Things you Should Know

Do you have a junk car which is occupying unnecessary space in your lawn or driveway? Then it is ideal to sell it to Aurora Scrap Yard instead of wasting your space and get some ready cash. Let’s see here some of the points that you should remember while selling your car for junkyard.
·         If you are planning to sell your car by removing all the accessories it has which are all not a metal, it will be a time consuming and labor intensive process. Because you have to drain out the fuel, remove all the wires, extract the engine and transmission, take out the seats, etc. But this way you will make better profits. Of course, you have to store the different parts in a proper way until you find a buyer for them.

·         If you want to sell your unwanted car, they will analyze your vehicle and you will be provided with a quote for the scrap weight as against the value of the parts. Please remember they will not pay you more for having an expensive stereo system or brand new transmission. However, this does not mean that your parts will not be valued. Only that the Aurora Scrap Yard will value the weight of the scrap metal rather than on the components of the car.

·         Just like any other thing, there are also pros and cons to sell to a junk or salvage yard. When you ask the junkyard they will only provide value for the metal and not for the parts. But if you are hard pressed for time, the only solution is to take it to the scrap yard, especially when you want to get rid of the car immediately.  One best advantage that you will get when you go for a junkyard is that they will pick up your vehicle from your doorstep for free of cost and will also go about with the papers. You need not have to worry about anything.

·         If you are selling a car to the junkyard they will not value it on the parts available i.e., they may not take into account your make and model or even model year. This does not mean that when you junk a car that was mass produced and popular will not have any value. Only this means you have to shop around for the value.

·         Just like any other commodity, the value of your scrap will vary from month to month and year to year. Apart from that, the junkyard will have different vehicles they might be interested in to buy just to get the scrap value or for refurbishment, resale or restoration. When you take your car on your own to junk, you will fetch more price rather than they picking up your vehicle.
Thus, you should remember all the above points while you are sending your car for Aurora Scrap Yard.


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